Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

487 | Why Character Counts (and why it gets discounted)



Today we’re learning why character counts, and why it gets discounted so quickly. In modern culture, character is one of the last virtues to get noticed, even though it's responsible for the rise (and fall) of many. From preachers to politicians to parents and business CEOs, character matters.Without character you won’t last, but that’s not to say that it’s the easier path. Far from it. The road to character is an upward climb; it’s the narrower path, the one less traveled. And yet, it’s the surest way to longevity and, quite frankly, sanity in a world gone mad.Character is like the DNA coding of your unique soul. Your mind, will, and emotions are all responsible for contributing to and creating the components of your character.Around here, we like to say that character is who you are when no one else is looking. And while that’s true, it also bleeds into everything else that you say and do, regardless of who’s around. Whether you know that someone’s watching you or not, your character is hard at work.Charact