Modern Life Network - Content As It Relates To Your Life

Best Buy Stock, Prime Day, What Makes a Tech Company and Net Neutrality Protest



Fox Sports main website have removed all written content, transitioning to a video only based format. Best Buy’s stock dropped 7% after Amazon announced a competing in-home network of installation professionals for smarthome devices to their consumer base. Amazon Prime Day is here and you can make the most out of the experience by checking out our recommendations. After seeing Blue Apron listed and valued as a technology company, we ask the not so easy to answer question - what makes a company a tech company? In an attempt to compete more directly in the cloud services industry, Microsoft is reorganizing their sales division to focus on large enterprise and small and medium sized businesses. Finally, a net neutrality day of action and protest is scheduled, where 170 companies will deliberately slow down their service to protest the FCC’s proposal and education their users on the impacts of that proposal.