Four-color Film Podcast

Episode #24 - Batman Forever



In our longest and most in-depth episode to date, we sit down to sing the praises of Joel Schumacher's first swing at the Dark Knight in 1995's Batman Forever, starring Val Kilmer, Jim Carrey, Nicole Kidman, Chris O'Donnel, and Tommy Lee Jones. Unfairly tossed aside in the pop-cultural landscape due to the failures of Batman & Robin, Schumacher's first outing after taking the reins from Tim Burton was actually everything a Batman movie should be. Not without its flaws, and with villains played far too large, the core of Batman was reached rather well. And then largely edited out. But the dynamism that didn't make the final cut still informs the character.Also in this episode, we delve into what a superhero movie should be, how Warner Bros. have lost their way in this department, how bad movies absolutely can ruin good heroes, and, of course, how awful Zack Snyder is. So take this dive with us. Learn some things about this movie, learn some things about Batman, learn some things about us, and maybe even le