Four-color Film Podcast

Episode #29 - Batman & Robin



Against everyone's wishes, the crew (including the returning Gerald James) returns to Gotham City. A city of justice, a city of love, a city of peace for everyone of us. We all need it. Can't live without it.  No surprises here. Nobody likes this. The nicest words we can manage are in praise of the promotional Pop-Tarts released during the hype. Everyone is terrible, and nothing about this movie is good. Also in this episode, Allen's hatred for Pat Hingle reaches new heights, fax machines on elephants, monkey work, ZZ Top, we question why a plan to freeze the world and replace the flora with mutant plant-animals is in anyway conducive to the health of the planet, Allen learns that he thinks Steven is trash, Revolution X, 9/11 Truther Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Oxbridge University, lip condoms, and the properties of diamonds are properly laid out (SPOILER: they're pretty much just rocks). Fuck this movie. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website: fourco