Four-color Film Podcast

Episode #74 - Superman Returns



The boys watch 2006's Superman Returns, directed by Bryan Singer, starring Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey. Well executed in most respects, and a damn sight better than the current interpretation of the Man of Steel, the film suffers from being over-long and underwhelming. Routh is a fantastic stand-in for Christopher Reeve, and Spacey channels Hackman's Luthor while making it all his own. Unfortunately, a 21st century reimagining of Hackman-Luthor's real estate scheme from the 1978 film fails to leave an impression, especially given the runtime the climax demands.  Also in this episode, Allen thinks people that didn't like Alien Covenant are lying to themselves about what the Alien franchise is, and the guys discuss Zack Snyder's departure from the Justice League production. This episode was recorded before the death of Sir Roger Moore, hence the lack of mention. But fully expect a good talk and remembrance on the next episode. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: