Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

Barton Green – CEO – Committee for Brisbane



Few executives get through their career without having to tackle change management on multiple occasions, but few people thrive at it quite like my guest on the podcast this week, Barton Green. Barton is the current CEO of The Committee for Brisbane, a not-for-profit established in 1958 as the Brisbane Development Association, with a mandate to represent business in all matters relating to make Brisbane and Southeast Queensland a vibrant place to live and do business. Brought in to restructure the association three years ago, Green has done just that, growing the membership base from 95 to 230, and expanding the base to include other stakeholder organisations as affiliate members. Though the restructure was completed within 18 months, as a proud Brisbane boy, Barton has elected to stay on to continue his work to make Brisbane the world’s most livable city. With the population in the region expected to double in size in the next twenty years, that will be no mean feat. Our chat covers so much more of Bar