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Jake Plummer Live From His Mushroom Farm, Hard Knocks, Grit Week Midweek Recap + Mt Rushmore Of Universally Loved Things



Hard Knocks is back and Dan Campbell is the absolute best. We recap Hard Knocks and talk about Grit Week 3 days in (00;02;55-00;18;42). Kevin Durant wants everyone fired and Roquan Smith notes app’d the Bears (00;18;42-00;29;16) . Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Beth Mowins game being done and Colin Cowherd still pretending to not know who we are (00;29;16-00;52;41). Jake Plummer joins the show live from his mushroom farm and we talk about his career in the NFL, being 100 seconds away from a national title at ASU, Pat Tillman and his mushroom farm and growing business (00;52;41-01;48;14). We finish with Mt Rushmore of universally loved things (01;48;14-02;11;08)