Meditation With Christian

Power Versus Force Review (My Favorite Book) Eye Opener!



In this episode! We are going over my favorite book that gives a new perspective on life through the lens of energy! The way we think and feel, and our experience are determined by how much energy we harness and how connected we are to the source.. infinite intelligence. This opened my eyes. Our goal is to ascend and get closer to source.. our creator.. this is where we feel aligned, connected, and flow with life. We have greater influence to our environment, and can uplift people. It is due to our great sense of energy and awareness. Depending on where we are at energetically, we view life a certain way. For example: A) "Pride which calibrates at 175, has enough energy to run the Marine Corps" "People feel more positive in this level compared to lower levels" but pride is still weaker than courage because pride needs to be fed constant energy to maintain its level.  B) Prime example of deciding between Power versus Force: Letting go of an old perspective for new one is power. Remember, at each new