
Interviewing yourself pt 8



• What are you most famous for among your family? • What’s the most immature thing you’ve ever done? • If your life were a book, what would the title be? • What is the best and worst thing about getting older? • What’s something that happened that changed your view? • What are you most likely very wrong about? • If you had a personal flag, what would be on it? • What lifestyle change have you been meaning to make ? • What is your spirit animal? • What opinion do you have that is unimportant in the grand sc • What chance encounter changed your life forever? • If you had a video of any 1 event in your life... • If you were forced to relive one 10 min block... • How do you hope as a person you will change in the future? • What keeps you up at night? • What is the most surprising self realization you’ve had? • What’s the most illegal thing you’ve done? • What lie do you tell most often? • What do you regret not doing? • What gives your life meaning? • What do you most often look down on people for? • What do you