Business Jazz

BusinessJazz Season 3 Episode 2 - How to Get Business



For 34 minutes, you’ll hear Roger Overall & Paul O’Mahony grapple with a fundamental business issue. "What must we do to attract more lovers?" In Episode 2 of Season 3 , we (Roger & Paul) grapple with a vexing challenge every business person faces. We discuss how we're going to achieve a big advance for this podcast: growth Why should anyone trust us? (brand character) What are our credentials? (back-story) What's our track-record? (back-story) Will people believe what we say? (brand credibility) How'll we get BusinessJazz Podcast better known (build awareness) Should every business launch a podcast? (rush into action) What about using Periscope? Desperate for success You hear us give up business and take up golf asking What kind of golf do we want to play? What's our aim? What's our No 1 golf club? Who do we want to play with? Our stance is : Thinking about golf helps you think about your business (in this we trust) We go on to discuss really gargantuan issues - including Who do we want this podcast