Business Jazz

Business Jazz - Season 3 Episode 5 - Suppliers & Employees



36 minutes you'll hear Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony shout about loving your suppliers & staff. We sink into this challenge that tests every business. We discuss why... - Welcome "browsers" into your store - they'll buy in future (2.00) - Show "you're very welcome" (3.30) - Give customers space & time - We hate pop-up ads on websites - It's good to Attract some, Repel others (7.40) - Don't ignore loyal customers in favour of new customers (9.10) - Have a Web page for first time visitors (9.55 We also discuss .................. - A big mistake we made last week (12.28) - "We are European" (14.25) - Our primary purpose (15.10) - Fresh thinking from USA - It's a pity we don't have advice from Japan & China (17.00) - It's good to admit your mistakes quickly Also: - Make a fuss of your suppliers & employees (19.49) - How to treat your suppliers well - Be irresistibly attractive. - Why it's important to be consistent (23.30) - Why treat staff well - Case study: Amazon in Cork (24.15) - "Internal