Business Jazz

BusinessJazz - Season 3 - Episode 8 - Filling the Sales Funnel



This will help you sell your products & services to people. For 34 minutes, Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony address a problem every sales-person knows much too well - selling. We start with a shock - Podcasting from Cork - We're in Paul's small 2008 Audi. Driving gingerly along narrow streets - in between parked cars - waving to barbers & hair stylists - without jumping any traffic lights. This is first time we've recorded BusinessJazz Podcast in a mobile studio. During the podcast Paul's broke the law - Roger aided & abetted. You hear us chatting about ... Why we're recording on the move Republic of Work (1.10) - it's not just for startups (2.00) Remember the Republic of Work needs to be genuinely attractive "I can't find anything wrong with Republic of Work." (Roger) The Cafe @ Blackrock Castle Observatory was our spiritual home (3.00) Today we're driving towards a business community centre (3.35) Remember every business needs to sell: certainly Republic of Work needs to sell what it offers to