Business Jazz

BusinessJazz - Season 3 - Episode 9 - Stealing Other People's Reputation and Other Dirty Tricks



In Episode 9 of Season 3, we talk about how best to use your clients to help you build your business Mini Announcement: We are going weekly Here you hear us discuss "Make assurance doubly sure" (Shakespeare) Imperfect start Introducing ourselves - Roger as molecules - Paul's a Citizen of the Internet Republic of Work is a brand new ... [list of features] Three word strapline: "START - BUILD - GROW" Pay a royalty Shall we make an episode on each of the three words David & Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell How do you go from being unknown to becoming a household name? Robert Scoble is in the building as keynote speaker for #Mavric2017 There's a good chance Republic of Work will become known Insight When you're unknown you may be tempted to cheat We go on to discuss Start with a BANG, make a big noise Product placement - Nespresso Move in next to @GaryVee, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk But - Is it genuine to use the reputation of another to build awareness of you? You could be misconstrued Your value