Business Jazz

BusinessJazz - Season 3 - Episode 12 - How To Reduce Stress & Worry



In Episode 12 of Season 3, we discuss: We discuss fundamentals Strange start: Paul has nothing to say this week (0.05) There are times to reflect & live in silence (0.18) Mindful business (1.04) Mickey Mouse's ears "How much time have you been stressed? "Living in the Now" How much energy of business people gets diluted by not living in the Now? Living in fear of future & regrets about the past Worry: what does it have on your ability to pay attention to a client? How acute is it? How rested are you? Anxiety consumes too much energy - but not always (5.30) Do you have a mechanism for controlling the "barrier" Working with a business coach Insight You can live a better life We focus on focus Ever done a course on mindfulness? (6.45) Concentrating on a very small detail Meditation & Mindfulness [syllables matter in communication] - Use one-syllable words - like "love" Focus on something real that's experienced - not imagined Practise the art of focus (10.00) Feel your weight on the carpet Ummm... um