Business Jazz

Be Yourself - Own Your Own Stuff - Confirmation Bias [S4 E1]



How to be genuinely attractive in business today. Podcasting from Cork Ireland, Paul O'Mahony & Roger Overall (P&R) talk business. This is the start of Season 4. __________________ (1) You hear P&R address the topic of SWEARING in business - and swearing during podcasts. Blasphemy, GaryVee & iHeartRadio are discussed. One person's unattractive phrase is another person's way of emphasising a point - or attracting attention. How you present your business matters - but what about presenting yourself in a GENUINE way? _________________ P&R argue *your website is your home on line * it's where you can be who you want to be _________________ (2) You own your website - you don't own 'platforms' like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, Snapchat, Audioboom. A platform has the power & right to change its terms & conditions. What happens to your stuff if they change direction? ______________________ (3) P&R carry out a 'thought experiment". What if you want to connect with people who