Business Jazz

Before You Replace Paper Tiger Scream - The 53 Paper Story - S4 E2



P&R = Paul and Roger not yesterday, not tomorrow - How to be genuinely attractive in business today (GAIBT) This episode of Business Jazz Podcast was live streamed on Periscope. What is BJ day? S Day T day F day or BJ day Bj name is taken already Before you name your company - who else dominatd that name? Don't go for a name a criminal uses They have to have trade marked it in different jurisditions F day is n't confusing you can't be attractive if Words have resonances F-day further fab featuring a series of f words You get more f words on our podcast our 3 words - superlatives we own Press release - use all the superlatives when referring to your company some journalists are lazy = tip for you rubbish about you a leading co professional quality What 3 words would you reccomend fenomenal - factual - frisky Research team - 2.5 m - trafied _________________________ Are we going to get serious? Imagine we aimed to podcast alert & attentive their job is to communicate ehat how why & outcome you could