Business Jazz

30 Reasons To Reply Quickly - S4 E3



Paul O'Mahony & Roger Overall [P&R] - podcasting from Cork, Ireland talk about how to be genuinely attractive in business today. Recorded in @RepublicofWork. The podcast recording was live streamed on Periscope. This week P&R discuss: (1) A serious approach to branding. What is your brand? It's what others expect from your business. "This is what you are in the mind of others..." P&R emphasise the importance & value of doing research to find out what your business is in the minds of others - research may surprise you. (2) What if a business can't afford to do research about its brand? (3) Roger tells a story about his plans to travel from Cork to Vancouver - via Aer Lingus & Air Canada. Paul is shocked by Air Canada. Roger emailed both Aer Lingus & Air Canada to find out about his luggage. He expected a poor, slow response from Aer Lingus. He expected a top class response from Air Canada. Brand Canada is strong, much stronger than Brand Aer Lingus - in Roger's expectations. The sho