Business Jazz

Please Complain About Our Weekly Service - S7E6



Show Notes:
 This week there’s a guest on the show. Somehow he sleeps during the complete recording. The theme for this episode is “Complaints”. Listener’s complaints about our last episode have Roger (almost) in tears. This leads us into a discussion about the value of complaints from customers. The effect negative criticism has - and how to turn criticisms into long time loyalty. The Bits Size Example: What Bite Size (cafe bakery) do when they get complaints. They embrace the critic and the criticism. Acknowledge the complaint - assure the critic that something will happen. The owner speaks to the person - Roger describes what the owner does. Paul refers to research: When people have a bad experience, they usually don’t come back. Paul advocates a radical approach to win back the affection of the disgruntled customer. enhance your reputation in the wider society Paul summarises the Nordstrom story told by Tom Peters in “A Passion for Excellence”. The “Re-film Game of Thrones (last season)” demand has made R