Business Jazz

(Rebroadcast of Season 1, Episode 1): Lists



This is a rebroadcast of the second pilot of Business Jazz. You could say, it is the first recognisable episode of Business Jazz. It first went live on 5th October 2012. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Welcome to episode two of the BusinessJazz podcast, or as Paul would say: the second pilot. We’re making progress. This week we have an intro. We also have a producer. Our producer is Mark Cotton, and he is so much more than that. He is a sound engineer, sounding board, musician, “stunt guitarist” (we haven’t asked), composer, wrangler, adviser and all-round solid human being. We don’t know where or how to start thanking Mark, whom serendipity placed in our path. Please check him out on his page. On twitter he’s @mcfontaine. We also have to say a big thank you to Sarah Langston, Mark’s partner, who has stepped in to record an intro while our voice artist recovers from an ill-fated encounter with some food. (Get well Jane). Sarah recorded our current voiceover with grace and el