Business Jazz

(Rebroadcast of Season 1, Episode 5): How to Fail Properly



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the first season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 2nd November 2012. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Failure. It's a scary word for many of us. For others, it's something to be embraced. They see failures as milestones on the way to success. Failure should be embraced, rather than feared. This week Paul and Roger discuss failure and how to turn it to your advantage, prompted as usual by an email from Chris Brogan. To hear the podcast, just click on the play button on the embedded player at the top of this post. We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed. Wow! Many of you will have found us through the plug that both Chris and AJ Leon gave the podcast in their email newsletters last week. It was an incredible experience for us to receive such boosts from these two remarkable people. Chris and AJ, thank you. It means the world to us.