Business Jazz

How to Manage a Crisis Brilliantly: Cricket from Lord's - S8E5



This is the most dangerous episode of business jazz ever. Thunder and lightning raged around our open-air studio in Lord's Cricket Ground. We could have been electrocuted by forked lightening. Roger and Paul went to Lord's, the Home of Cricket to see what Lord's was doing to make itself the most attractive cricket business venue in the world. People love thunder and lightning, So long as they are not struck by the lightning nor deafened by the thunder. You hear Roger explain what Lord's is (he is very knowledgeable about cricket) This podcast is not about cricket statistics, nor is it about the rules of cricket. It is about communicating with customers, online and off-line, It’s about how to handle a crisis How important is it to have a crisis management plan (CMP). As a customer of English Cricket. “I feel valued” says Roger Important actions & policies: • Manage expectations, with subliminal messages. • Step by step video help • Up to date & helpful emails • Non- discriminating approach • Value dive