Business Jazz

Haggis Makes The World Go Round - S8E8



The Haggis episode. In this episode you hear Roger & Paul address these topics (and more): Nobody knows how many episodes of business jazz have been made. Simon Toon got in touch to say he is delighted season one (2012) is being shared. Email marketing Dog lovers have been disappointed so far. Mike Collins Your Irish Heritage blood story - haggis biggest client is the British Embassy. Black pudding made with human blood. BMW approach- curate your own stuff. Serve customers as individuals. ——- Our listeners may not know what haggis is. Roger describes ———- What are neeps? [Neeps =] “Haggis is absolutely fabulous” says Roger. Rabbie Burns the greatest poet to come out of Scotland (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) Have an annual festival- like a World Haggis Day (Burns Night) Like Xmas Day Can you buy Haggis in Cork? Bloom’s Day helps some retailers of clothing Towel Day = 25 May (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) Valentine