Business Jazz

(Rebroadcast of Season 1, Episode 9): The World Is Within Reach of Your Couch



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the first season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 7th December 2012. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Could you imagine changing your life and transporting yourself from your living room couch to a luncheon table with a princess? Does that seem like too big a leap to contemplate? For many of us, it does. We are held back by our imagination. And even if we have the imagination to imagine such ambitions, we lack the belief that we can achieve them. We decide they are beyond us. Not so, says Chris Brogan. He should know. He has made the journey from 9-5 wage slave seeking evening solace in front of the TV to having lunch with Sheika Mariam of Abu Dhabi. In his latest email, he urges you to paint the picture of your life with bolder, bigger brush strokes. He also offers some tools to help you achieve that. Paul and Roger add their views to the mix.