Business Jazz

How to Market Monkfish - S8E11



Marketing Monkfish The first part of this episode is about germs including dog poo plus the Three Second and the 30 Second Rules. The episode is not about how to market germs and piranha - it is about how to market monkfish. This is the first ever episode about monkfish marketing in the history of podcasting. Roger and Paul grapple with how to make a monkfish attractive. [There is a story from Roger's days as a journalist in Slovenia.] Don’t show the piglet, just show the bacon Don’t show the monkfish, just show the tail. What would a specialist monkfish shop need to do? Rogers Real Monkfish stall in the English market. Lambs and Bambi are touched on. Impromptu story from Roger: How to succeed at a job interview for a global security company: “Remake Die Hard”. Several minutes are spent discussing storylines for such a film, including “Home Alone for your security products”. The conclusion is the maybe the storyline is more suitable for a Netflix serial? The mother of all monkfish. But how do you market monkf