Business Jazz

How Could a Campfire Help Instagram? (Rebroadcast of Season 1, Episode 14)



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the first season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 18th January 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Fire is powerful. It burns and destroys. Fire also warms and rejuvenates. It provides a place to come together. In a house around the fireside; outside around a campfire. It is where we gain comfort and where conversations are held. In his latest email, Chris Brogan uses the campfire as a metaphor for creating content and story around your business. Content so compelling that it attracts others to it and compels them to discuss it. Paul and Roger look at how we can apply this to our own businesses to make ourselves attractive to our customers. They also try to fit the campfire model into a rehabilitation programme for Instagram.