Business Jazz

Changed and Kickstarted . (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 5)



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 1st March 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Change is unsettling. We grow comfortable with things the way they are. When they shift an inch, we feel the movement as if it were a mile. Regular listeners will have noticed changes in the podcast this week. The intro, the tone, the focus. That's a lot to take in. If you've listened to the podcast already, we hope you understand why we've tinkered with the formula. If you haven't yet. Here's a quick overview. While we know Paul will return, we don't know when. All we know is that it will be a while yet. When he does, you'll hear three voices host the podcast – Jane is staying on. With that in mind, it was appropriate to change the intro to include the three of us. The second change is that we are weaning ourselves off Chris Brogan. He was our genesis, our original inspiration, and won't be forgotten, but there are other great thought lead