Business Jazz

We Better Be Bolder (S9 E03)



This episode was streamed live on Periscope on Paul's account. Recorded in the Republic of Work in Cork by Paul O’Mahony & Roger Overall. We discuss unpredicted topics that matter when you want your business to be genuinely attractive.  Attractive to customers, staff, suppliers & shareholders (and your boss). "Our listeners are number one"  There's a Story: You hear the story of Peter Cox, Neil McShane, Fiachra Muller, and Roger Overall, a production team and the talents. 1917 (the film) came up - Roger shows off his knowledge of the cast, and empathy for the poor, neglected production team. We also discuss the BBC Radio 4 game Just a Minute. It takes time for us to decide on the main topic for this episode. Paul suggests the topic "what should a big organisation do when it has a lousy reputation among one of its subsidiary companies?" Paul asserts "the EU did not become genuinely attractive". Roger vetos discussion of Brexit. Roger's topic is "what we grappled with in The Laboratory: how can we attra