Business Jazz

The Cat Herder and the Leaning Shed of Near Vancouver (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 13)



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 26th April 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Perfection is key to success in business, right? Your product needs to be perfect to survive in the marketplace. If it isn't, your clients won't like it. Your competitors will steamroller over you. Really? Maybe not. Just how perfect should perfection be? There is a point at which perfection is a killer. You keep delaying shipping. Remember that a project that is 95% done, but hasn't shipped, is as good as 0% complete from the perspective of the marketplace. And a 0% product or services isn't attractive at all. This week we look at perfection in business and how you don't always need to deliver perfection. In fact, have a listen to this episode of Chris Brogan's podcast in which he interviews Paul: The Human Business Way, Episode 10. The conversation about perfection or imperfection turns to office space. Jane has moved into a shed. Sounds