Business Jazz

How to Transform a Skiing Experience (S9 E07)



Paul and Roger are sickly this week. They still managed to record this podcast via Skype. Roger talks about the spaghetti legs he had during 2018. There's a snippet of Monty Python-esque conversation. The style of this episode reminds Roger of Business Jazz episodes he recorded in 2013 with Jane Boyd (who lives near Vancouver, Canada). "What has impressed you this week, Paul? Have you had any business experiences?" Paul talks about a ski resort in France, a bubble lift, and how a few people transformed the experience for his daughter. You hear the story of how Paul’s daughter got skis & boots fitted, how they were helped into the bubble & welcomed at the top of the lift. Everything was at stake. How one person transformed everything. Roger tell a story about the time he went to buy a cover for his water main. He found himself in a system he couldn’t understand. He’d be reluctant to return to that shop. He felt alien & out of place. The theme of this episode is probably: How to transform a customer