Business Jazz

Give It to Us Raw, Unexpurgated, Unabridged (S10 E02)



Theme of this episode: The conversations we most want to hear _________________________________ Recorded while Walking round Paul’s estate (1) Jobs & Woz their rapport (2) Their decision-making style (3) Snippets with trivia included (4) The little contretemps is between them (5) How one person admonishes another ______________________ The value of sharing something about your business which people wouldn’t ordinarily, come across cross - that's what distinguishes one company from another. ______________________ ENRON The Enron emails have turned out to be extraordinarily useful for the development of Auto-complete software. Dog-barking Wikileaks _________________________ Which would you prefer have (1) All the emails (2) All the drama in audio? It’s a no-brainer isn’t it? Later you hear: Raw, almost-unedited, audio is what people want and value most. Not some specially curated presentation. People want genuine. ______________________ Gary Vaynerchuk revisited : The F words have not hurt his brand. He bet