True Crime Historian

Mystery at the American Saloon



TRUE CRIME STORY TIMEThe Saga of the Scoundrel Thomas McGehanA true crime short story by Richard O Jones-On Christmas eve, 1870, three men attack a local politician with boulders and slungshots, and at least a dozen men scramble for the door while five shots pepper the faro room at the American Saloon in Hamilton, Ohio. One of bullets kills the politician, Thomas Myers, but in their haste, none of the gamblers see who fired the gun. The blame falls on the leader of the gang of thugs who attacked Myers, his political rival Thomas McGehan. At his trial the famed former Congressman, exiled Copperhead and gubernatorial candidate Clem Vallandigham, who literally gives his life to McGehan’s defense.-For a complete list of sources for this podcast, please visit, where you can also find newspaper clippings and drawings from this case, including a diagram of the layout of the American saloon, as well as more stories about the scandals, scoundrels and scourges of America’s past, along with in