Bottled In China

Fungtn.: The Future is Fungi, Part 2 of 2



Medicinal mushrooms have long been an integral part of East Asian countries.In today’s health-conscious world, functional mushrooms are used as superfoods to boost wellness and enhance immunity.Zoey Henderson, Founder of Fungtn., joins us on the podcast to discuss functional mushrooms and the rising trend towards lower or no-alcohol products.Fungtn. saves you from hangover hell and positively contributes to mind and body brewed with superfood mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane, Reishi and Chaga.Zoey Henderson, Founder of Fungtn., joins us on the podcast to discuss functional mushrooms and the trend towards lower or no-alcohol products.Zoey has been in the Hospitality industry for over 15 years, across bars, restaurants, events and as a venue and business owner. Her past role as a mindful drinking consultant opened up the world of no and low and this is where she saw the functional gap in the category. An entrepreneur with a passion for health and wellness, her brand Fungtn. aims to bring functional drinking into t