Power Station

We need people to see others as part of their own families and communities



If the last several years have taught us anything it is that democracy is fragile. And that all of us need to engage with the systems, institutions and policy processes that determine our collective fates. It takes nonprofit organizations with community roots, technical expertise, and advocacy capacities to make that level of social progress possible. The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), one of the nation’s leading anti-poverty organizations, emerged 50 years ago to highlight and address the needs of low-income Americans. It is now led by Indivar Dutta-Gupta, whose deep policy expertise and valuing of those living at the margins of our economy are setting the course for CLASP’s latest evolution. His team produces evidence-based research, informed by impacted communities, to shape legislative and regulatory solutions. They share their recommendations with decision makers in city halls, state legislatures and on Capitol Hill and are on-hand to ensure that new laws are implemented to ensure the greatest