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Tonight on the show, JR has Washington, DC native, Lisa Watson on the show. Her clever writing style and large collection of published romance novels landed her on the Jerry Royce Show. She is published with Harlequin KIMANI™ ROMANCE.About Author:Lisa Y. Watson is a native of Washington D.C., the city’s historic and political backdrop fed Lisa Watson’s romantic imagination. Her hobbies are as eclectic as her music collection. Enamored with natural beauty, the picturesque locales she visits always seem to find a way into her latest novels. Lisa has written several multi-cultural short stories and novels, and loves creating engaging storylines with strong characters that are drawn together by respect and love. She has been interviewed in various magazines, radio shows, book clubs and blog sites, and has received award nominations in contemporary fiction. Lisa works at a technology consulting firm, and is also the co-publicist for RT Book Review Magazine’s annual RT Booklovers Conventions promoting National