Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 74 AUTHOR RA'MONE MARQUIS ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!This a first book for this talented author and he speaks candidly on sexuality on Jerry Royce Live! -Men have a voice. If I am but one of the few, I will let mine be heard. Sex to some is a game. Sex to some is about accomplishments. Sex to some is just an extra-curricular activity that fuels other facets of their lives. Whatever one’s motivation is for their sexual escapades, it is to be accepted and celebrated. Rather heterosexual or LGBT , your sexuality is not to be judged and ridiculed. Be happy in your sexuality and sexual appetite. A little erotica is good for you. Celebrate your versatility, whether it is your sexual preference or your favorite position. DO YOU! Whether you are a closet freak or a well-publicized freak, there is a place for you in this world. Florida, New York, California, London, South America, and all of my international friends...all over the World....lets give in to sensuality..lets embrace sexuality and all of the wonders that