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EPISODE 174 WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE! Publication Date: October 7, 2014 One year out of high school, Antonio Freeman find himself flat broke, without a job and no plans on furthering his education. In one afternoon everything changed and he went from being flat broke to running his own mini cartel known as GMB (Get Money Boyz). Antonio Freeman aka Free takes to the street with only one thing on his mind, and that is to get money at all costs. He sets out on a bloody mission fueled by greed and the mean streets of Fort Worth. In part one of this Bengy D. Sherman trilogy, Free is in for a rude awakening as many alliances have been formed and just as many has been broken....AUTHOR BIOBengy Sherman at the age of 33 is an inspiring author, husband, and father. He is also the writer to Debut novel A Hustlers Coalition that now in bookstores. After two prison terms, numerous visits to jail this young African American is living proof that you can manifest your dreams into a reality. Now a published author under the guid