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"LIVE IT UP" EPISODE 330 WIT' AUTHOR VANESSA SANTIAGO - JERMAN, BOOK TITLED: Living In The PJ'S Paperback – April 7, 2015 - Author Sharnel Williams Living in the projects most of all my childhood life, made me appreciate life even more today. I was raised in Newark, NJ in three different projects, up to the age of seventeen. I would love to take you on my journey, from a child living in the projects to the woman that I have become. Here’s my story, reminiscing and growing up in the projects. Author Vanessa Santiago-Jerman 20 floors and concrete walls, Manhattanville Projects is the place that I called my home for several years. Living in the projects was fun, challenging and definitely a learning experience. To the outside world we lived in the ghetto, the slums the hood, but I called it my home. Take a look into my life growing up as a young girl from the project into a woman, mother, wife and author that is a product of the projects I grew up in. The projects made me who I am today.