Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




YOU ARE LISTENING TO EPISODE 343 wit' Bernard Beaufort AND JERRY ROYCE LIVE -WORLDWIDE ON ( speaker and author, Bernard Beaufort, has made a name for himself as a suave, single, well rounded gentleman. Beaufort was born the oldest child, of five brothers and a sister, August 18, 1981 in Valdosta, Ga. Beaufort grew up under the wings of his grandmother and father, yet their old fashioned sense rarely served as a form of guidance for young Beaufort. Shortly after graduating Valdosta High School in 1999, Beaufort married his first and only wife. Throughout his life as a young adult, Beaufort fell into the typical heights of being a ladies man, which resulted in a few failed relationships and torn friendships. Although this period in his life may have been a good time, it dawned on Beaufort that it was also tiresome: “I was tired of losing people who I cared about and hurting women period,” says Beaufort.Since 2013, Beaufo