Come Heal Yourself

The Power of Your Inherent Spiritual Gifts with Veronica Lee



Aired Tuesday, 7 July 2015, 11:00 AM ETEveryone is born with inherent spiritual gifts; some go dormant for years, while others begin to blossom with such ease that they are hard to recognize as anything special. As we awaken to greater consciousness, many are feeling the resonance of their true selves and wish to express more of who they are – to fulfill their purpose, experience bliss, and to serve. Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Veronica Lee will share insights on discovering, harnessing and sharing your spiritual gifts, which are your most powerful tools for transformation and joy.About Guest Veronica LeeVeronica Lee’s metaphysical upbringing allowed her to explore the mystical realms from childhood on; practicing intuitive perception, hands-on healing, meditation, visualization, and manifesting. She has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe through her videos, articles, speaking engagements and private sessions. With love and integrity, Veronica offers practical tools to support o