Come Heal Yourself

Opening Your Heart to Love



Aired Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 11:00 AM ETThere are truly two ways to view anything – through the eyes of love or through the eyes of fear. Fear comprises doubt, worry, insecurities, feelings of lack and less than. Fear resides in the lower energies, which is our human-ness or ego. Love comes from the heart and is a higher vibration. Shelly Wilson views these choices and have labeled them – TEAM LOVE and TEAM FEAR. When posing this concept to her friends and colleagues, unanimous opinions vote to be included on TEAM LOVE. During discussions, it was also recognized that we do have moments of fear and doubt as well as the other emotions, but we aren’t a regular on that team. With that said, which team are you on?Being an active participant of TEAM LOVE begins with loving you and opening your heart to love. In doing so, you will discover your greatest gift of all – the deep connection to your Higher Self and inner knowingness.About the Author Shelly WilsonHealer of Hearts Shelly Wilson’s personal mission is t