Come Heal Yourself

I: One M.D.’s Inward Journey to Liberate Himself from Mental Suffering



I: One M.D.’s Inward Journey to Liberate Himself from Mental Suffering – Dr. Jeffrey FidelAired Sunday, 13 November 2016, 10:00 PM ETDr. Jeffery provides insight into his story and how he used the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, to connect to a voice originating from his heart, the “voice within” that teaches our true identity is “beyond thought” and that we and the universe are I(One)…Jeffrey relates how he spent most of his life identifying with the I that was the I in his mind-the one that said he must achieve to exist…the one that drove him to become a doctor in order to meet other people’s expectations despite a part of him that resisted; the one that said he would be happy if he lived the “American dream” of exalted professional, family man and financial success. This was the “I” of his ego.Yet, he was miserable and the critical voices in his head kept getting louder, driving him to seek a psychiatrist. And when they reached a crescendo, Jeffrey was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder and pla