Intuitive Transformations

The Art of Surrender with Eiman Al Zaabi



Aired Thursday, 16 February 2017, 2:00 PM ET The Art of Surrender with Eiman Al Zaabi When you hear the word “surrender” what are the first thoughts that pop into your awareness? What is your definition of “surrender”? Is “surrender” something that is done when we fail to win an argument, or is it what is done when we are faced with overwhelming challenges? If your definition of “surrender” is waiving a little white flag and giving up, then this show will invite you to experience “surrender” in a whole new light. Joining Sylvia is Life Coach and Author, Eiman Al Zaabi, to share how you can use the energy of “surrender” as a pathway to enlightened happiness and well-being. Listen and learn how you can use the energy of surrender as a pathway to enlightened happiness and well-being. About the Guest: Eiman Al Zaabi Eiman Al Zaabi is a life coach and holds a degree in business information technology and a master’s in business administration. In addition to her private coaching practice, Eiman works at New York Un