Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Aging GreatFULLy With the Animals We Love!



Aging GreatFULLy With the Animals we Love! A show dedicated to the fur kids we call family! How they change, enhance, and enrich our lives in immeasurable ways! An inspirational show for those considering pet ownership, including pet lovers across the globe.Featuring Aging GreatFULLy listener stories of love, loss and living life with the animals they hold dear. Find outDo pets make you healthier?Are all dogs pets?Do dogs have a sixth sense? Is the heartbreak and work worth it?Join us for answers to these questions including important tips all pet owners need to know and how pets change the lives we live! From cats, dogs, service and companion animals, we’ll talk about all the ways we love and appreciate them all! Join us for this enriching and furry-fleeced, love-packed, power-hour of enlightenment you are certain to enjoy!