Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Rewire Your Mind to Live Life by Design with Bob Doyle!



From a very young age we are very impressionable and we carry those experiences forward as we grow older. Depending on our circumstances, and the way we interpret them, that can help or hinder the way encounter life as adults. Add a dose of expectations to the mix and we just might have a recipe for disappointment. Enter Rewire expert, Bob Doyle to the rescue! Join this fascinating conversation as we welcome special guest Bob Doyle, who was a featured thought leader in the world-wide phenomenon film, The Secret, and the recently released film, How Thoughts Become Things, as we talk about how rewiring actually works, and even more exciting how the things you want most in life begin to show up and manifest. And we also talk about how our lens on life can get foggy and distorted over time and what we can do to clear things up. Bob shares the important role of mindfulness and gratitude as well as the powerful impact of negativity. More recently, Bob’s attention has shifted from the metaphysical aspects of Law of