Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Into the Nothing with Dr. Gabriel Cousens



In this week’s Aging GreatFULLy power-hour of enlightYOUment, we take you on a surprising adventure of insight and illumination of the spiritual kind! Join us, as we bring you a sought-after guest who is known for being courageous and fearless in faith regarding his destiny towards breaking through every level taking him to a Permanent State of Liberation and Eternal Peace. If you have ever longed for knowing more peace, bliss, love, wonder and oneness, then Dr. Gabriel Cousens invites you to follow the trail he has to adventurously blazed! Known worldwide as the renowned “Physician of the Soul” he invites others on a journey to embark to a place that might surprise and even perplex… that is – Into the Nothing! And that is also the title of his latest book, Into the Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography, in which he reveals the mystical, wild ride he personally took as he awakened to living from the soul that is beyond the body and the mind. Today, this 77-year old holistic physician, rabbi, yogi, spiritual myst