Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

New Year’s ResoYOUtions! With Brendon Watt



It's finally here, happy New Year 2021! There’s so much to celebrate and this year the focus is on YOU! But instead of making a long list of New Year’s resolutions, this year, we’re doing something different on the Aging GreatFULLy show. Don’t miss this power-hour of enlightYOUment, as we welcome returning guest, Brendon Watt, Speaker and Best-Selling author of Relationships: Are You Sure You Want One, for a conversation on how anyone can reinvent themselves, how to end self-sabotage for good and even how to come back from rock bottom! So, this year, we’re not going to make grandiose and lofty goals only to put ourselves under undue pressure of a pass / failure come March. Nor will we sign up to subject ourselves to the stress each day of having not been “good enough” and get caught up in that underachievement cycle that leads to self-sabotage day after day and often goes on for years—or even a lifetime. But instead, this year, we’re choosing New Year's ResoYOUtions. ResoYOUtions puts us in the driver’s seat