Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Growing BOLD BeaYOUtifully with Gregory Landsman



In this powerful episode of Aging GreatFULLy we celebrate the beauty and grace of aging GreatFULLy and gracefully with less stress and powerful practices and approaches with one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, Gregory Landsman, TV Host and Best-Selling author! Gregory definitely embraces many of the same ideologies of the Aging GreatFULLy show, including “we’re not old, we’re BOLD!” Gregory explains how the physical body goes through many transitional phases in our lifetime and each phase has its own beauty, presenting us with an opportunity to understand and accept ourselves a little better. He believes that aging is a process of growing into ourselves so that we can live our best lives. In this must-listen episode, Gregory explains the huge difference between premature skin aging and aging—and furthermore how to counteract premature skin aging and the process of destressing the skin from the inside out and the outside in—so we can look and feel our best at every age. Grego