Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

What's Your Next? The Blueprint for Creating Your Freedom Lifestyle w/Dr. David Phelps



Life is full of NEXTS … but some are truly a crossroad that will determine our entire trajectory and that single choice can rest in how our life will unfold. In this powerfully liberating Aging GreatFULLy episode, we welcome guest Dr. David Phelps, DDS, author of WHAT’S YOUR NEXT? The Blueprint for Creating Your Freedom Lifestyle. Dr. Phelps experienced his own pinnacle moment of truth, deliberating his own “What’s Your Next? intersection, in his real-life emotional experience of standing over the gurney of his 12-year-old daughter as she was about to be wheeled into the operating room for a liver transplant. He found himself overcome with a sense of helplessness. And worse, knowing she would need his loving support and care in recuperation with the demands of living with acute lymphocytic leukemia. But his real-life reality was that he was trapped by a business that kept him wedded to a treadmill that allowed him no time to support her. And it was in that moment that he made the decision of His Next – steppi