Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Aging But Dangerous with Jean Ketcham



Have you craved a little more zest in your life? Do you feel like you’re missing out of life’s FUN factor? Well buckle up for this Aging GreatFULLy power-hour of enlightYOUment as we welcome special guest, Jean Ketcham, who will awaken your Aging But Dangerous kind of living! Years ago, Jean made the conscious decision to live a life of fun, spirit and style, and she’s never looked back! Jean Ketcham is the Founder of Aging But Dangerous.Aging But Dangerous is a movement for women focusing on healthy aging and living dangerously with fun, spirit and style! Aging But Dangerous inspires women ages 50+ to control their destinies, develop their limitless potential and to empower women to take control of the aging process. For those who seek adrenalin living and purpose-filled, passion-infused life like no other, Aging But Dangerous is for you!But it’s more than just fun and adventure; it’s also about self-care and deep conversations about important matters that are often not discussed. And it’s about empowering