Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Life After Death!? Exploring Afterlife Connections with Mike Anthony



It’s been a question since the dawn of time. And truth be told, one you have probably pondered many times in your own life. What REALLY happens when we DIE?Depending on beliefs, faith, and views, our ideas about this, can certainly vary. But imagine being part of an experience that you never saw coming. One that led you down a path of discovery, which put uncovering the answers to this question to the forefront of your life.That’s exactly what happened with Mike Anthony, who was a bartender at a busy Broadway show when just before intermission he received the call that his father had suddenly died. This was a devastating loss to his entire family. However, when a stranger’s unpredictable phone call delivers a message that Mike’s dad had contacted her from “the other side,” it kicks off a chain of events that entirely changed Mike’s family’s perspective on life, death and the transcendent nature of love. In this episode of Aging GreatFULLy, we welcome professional actor, Mike Anthony, author of “Love, Dad: Ho